My goodness. It's been nearly 20 days since I've posted a thing, and that post was just to quickly link another friend's blog. I sincerely apologize. If you've been reading Mangos&Cream for quite some time, I bet you can guess what my excuse is this time. Yes! You guessed it.. School, sports, and procrastination! I almost forgot; my best friend's and my business! Our miniscule 'hobby' shall soon blossom into a full-fledged business once we open up our etsy shop (which will be soon, my love!). Once we're ready, I'll link our shop, and gift you with pictures! And now to what I planned on writing about today.. So, I love autumn. There's just something about warm cider, picturesque landscapes, variegated leaves, and fresh starts that puts me into a good mood. And now that I'm in high school, Friday night football games and the anticipation of homecoming pertain to my jubilance. How could you not be joyful when sights like this are common?
Taken by moi
In addition to the aforementioned, I also look forward to the plethora of holiday releases in the world of beauty and fashion. Lately, I've been spending just a few minutes browsing Sephora's website to get up to speed in terms of those releases. And boy, do I like what I see.